Turn your Mobile into Microscope

Turn your Mobile into Microscope

This Compact Mobile Microscope can be attached to any mobile. It is capable of magnifying 60 x and providing crystal clear images. It has a built-in LED light for better picture quality and it also has an infrared light which is used to check the currency. This multipurpose magnifier can be used in jewelry stores.

It is made up of a strong material which makes it more durable and long-lasting. It has an adjustable lens that can be moved in a way to adjust the focus on the object. You can also use this magnifier to see the objects with your own eyes without using a mobile. It also comes with a soft leather pouch that is used to store this lens safely. More detail and specification about this product is listed below and you can check the latest price from the Amazon website. 

Mobile Microscope Features

  • It can be attached to any mobile phone.
  • 10mm lens gives sharpness and clarity in applications.
  • It is very portable and has a built-in LED Light.
  • It also has infrared light to check CUrrency notes.
  • This is also suitable to check the authentication of Jeweler.
  • It has a 60X magnifying capability.
  • it is made up of strong material that is nonbreakable.
  • It comes with a leather pouch to keep this lens safely and securely.

Check Price on Amazon

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