3D Virtual Reality Headset for Mobile Phone

3D Virtual Reality Headset for Mobile Phone

Now you can enjoy a theater-like experience at home with this 3D virtual reality headset. These VR glasses are compatible with all mobile phones including apple and android. It has built-in headphones for a better sound experience and a controller to adjust volume, mobile distance, and actions. 

This  3D virtual reality headset can be used to play games, movies, simulators, and animations. It feels very comfortable on your head and you can adjust its size as per requirement. More features and specs about this gadget are given below to consider and you can check the latest price on the Amazon website.

Pros and cons of 3D Virtual Reality Headset for Mobile Phone

  • These VR glasses are equipped with bigger Lenses for a wide field of view.
  • It has dedicated buttons for actions and control volumes.
  • These VR glasses are compatible with all sizes of mobile screens.
  • it has a Rotatable nob to adjust phone distance for a better experience.
  • These VR glasses are lightweight and feel comfortable for the head.
  • You can enjoy VR games, movies, and animation experiences.
  • For a better experience, you can use a high PPI mobile phone with this VR.
  • It has built-in headphones to experience 3D sound effects along with visuals.
  • Enjoy VR Glasses for real 3d Exprience at home.

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