Anti-Gravity Flower Pot Floating in the Air | Magnetic Levitation Technology

Anti-Gravity Flower Pot Floating in the Air  Magnetic Levitation Technology

This anti-gravity floating pot is the most innovative gadget that you can buy to decorate your office table and home. It gets magnetic levitation technology that allows the pot to float in the air without any support. You can install your own favorite plant in this pot. People will definitely praise your choice of buying unique gadgets.

This magnetic levitation flower pot work on electromagnetic technology that helps to hold the pot in the air. It looks cool and you can use this gadget as a gift to your family and friends. More features and specs about this cool product are given below to consider and you can check its current price from the Amazon website.

Features and specs of  Anti-Gravity Floating Pot 

  • The accurate arrangement of magnets, coils, sensors, and electronics helps to float the pot in the air.
  • You can place any small plant in the pot like succulents and other lightweight ones.
  • The base part is made up of durable faux wood material.
  • The dimension of the floating pot is 1.7 inches X 3.3 inches.
  • The weight of the product is 930 grams.
  • You can decorate this cool floating pot on the office table and at home.
  • You need to plug in the base part to the wall socket for the power supply.

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